David Grossman

Nonfiction, 1992
David Grossman’s personal journey into the world of Arab Israelis.
Rights Sold:
France: Seuil; Germany: Hanser; Holland: Contact; Israel: HaSifria HaHadasha/HaKibbutz HaMeuchad;Spain, Tusquets (reverted); Italy: Mondadori; Japan: Shobun-sha; Sweden: Bonnier Alba (reverted); UK: Jonathan Cape/Picador; USA: Farrar, Straus, Giroux/Noonday
“This is a fine, compelling report, in which all facets of what seems an insoluble problem are treated with sympathy.” – The New Yorker
“Grossman has crossed one of the world’s deepest divides in order to encounter Israel’s Arab minority.” – The New York Times Book Review
“No other Israeli writer so far has approached this touchy subject with such compassion, or looked at it with, so to speak, bifocal eyes.” – The New York Review of Books