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David Grossman

Nonfiction, 1988

David Grossman’s personal account of his three-month encounter with Palestinians, prior to the outbreak of the Intifada.



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Denmark: Gyldendal; France: Seuil; Germany: Droemer/Knaur ; Holland: Contact; Israel: HasSifria HaHadasha/HaKibbutz HaMeuchad; Italy: Mondadori; Japan: Shobun-sha; Norway: Gyldendal; Spain: El Pais; Sweden: Bonnier; Turkey: CEP Kitiplaru; UK: Jonathan Cape/Picador; USA: Farrar, Straus, Giroux/Dell; USA Softcover: Picador

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“The most honest, soul-searching book yet written by an Israeli - or, for that matter, by a Palestinian - on an agony that neither of them alone can bring to an end.” – Los Angeles Times

“Even the most cautious readers - and even the most hostile - are bound to learn something about the conflict that they never knew before, something that illuminates the news and the reality that produces it, something that explains what is and may yet be, something deep and achingly, damningly, true. – The New York Times Book Review

“A brilliant, searing examination of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank...beautiful, passionate and profoundly disturbing.” – Chicago Tribune

“Invaluable. It should be available alongside the road maps at Ben Gurion Airport, for it is a map of the psychological distances that now separate not only occupier and occupied, but willing from unwilling conquerors.” – The Wall Street Journal

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